Bakery Cottage was originally part of the local bakery that belonged to the Rymer family.
The mill which was situated nearby, (it is now the walled garden area) was active in grinding cereals into flour and for producing cattle feed for local farmers for many years.
Originally the Mill was water powered using the ‘undershot’ method – the ‘undershot’ wheel is probably the oldest type of waterwheel having been developed over two thousand years ago.
The bread was sold in the end double fronted shop that faces Millgate.
The cod beck runs along side the cottage which merges into the Swale. It originates in the Hambleton Hills above Osmotherly, flows into the Cod Beck reservoir, running parallel along side the A19. Osmotherly is a beautiful little village and ‘The Sheep Wash’ is a super place to take your dog for a walk and have a picnic by the reservoir and woods.